My favourite moments from 2020
I’ve done this in the past where I’ll go through every shoot I did and pull an image to share to recap the year. I love getting to go back and remind myself of all the beautiful moments I’ve gotten to be part of. I’m going to go ahead and say it’s probably no surprise that it was especially meaningful this year.
Whether it was becoming a family of 3 or marking 3 years of love, I am so grateful to everyone who has invited me in to document these moments in their lives.
I hope you enjoy getting to scroll through and see some of the beautiful, joyful and meaningful moments I’ve gotten to witness.
Here’s to 2021

I loved that T+M chose their moms to be their witnesses and that neither of them could resist taking photos of this moment.

To celebrate 20 years together, these two decided to drive from Virginia to exchange vows continuing in the Rocky Mountains. This moment is one of my favourites from their day - nothing beats those smiles.

Growing up on the same street as Megan, I've known her all my life so to document this chapter in their journey was all kinds of special.

2020 - The year of the livestream wedding.

All these kiddos were absolutely adorable, but I chose this photo just because of the little boy on the left’s pose - like, what?!

Not only had forecast had been up and down all week calling for rain, but T+S would be driving down from Edmonton for their photos so the stress of making sure we’d be able to do their session was real. Thankfully, we managed to dodge the rain and the clouds gave the prettiest light for their session at Prince’s Island Park.

I went into this shoot expecting it be a regular engagement session only to find out at the end that these two are going to be parents! How freaking cute are those shirts?!

The weeks leading up to J+M’s day were nothing short of chaotic. They went from plan A to plan B to C and beyond. Yet in this moment, none of that seemed to matter as these two were just happy to be marrying the love of their life.

Not only did I grow up with one of these bridesmaids, I got to shoot her wedding a few years ago, so it’s safe to say I know this family fairly well. Which meant I felt comfortable enough to make slightly inappropriate jokes which lead to moments like this.

This was the first time I had gotten to see N after getting our degrees from MRU back in 2013. So not only was I pumped to get to see her and meet her fiance, we got the most beautiful golden hour light at one of my favorite downtown locations.

I’m such a sucker for first look moments, and this one from K+E’s wedding was perfection.

Two things I love about this photo. 1. J+J’s willingness to climb on top this massive rock (with the bride in a dress no less!) and 2. the fact that you can see the itty bitty moon in the background.

My favourite part of this day had to have been when J+J’s guests passed around a stone during their ceremony to impart their love, support and well-wishes into for the couple. Hearing the words of love their families shared, it was so abundantly clear how cherished this couple is.

Had to include this photo of my niece and nephew because look how friggen adorable they are!!!

There’s so much I love about this photo - T’s expression on her face, the stormy skies behind, and her windswept dress. Everything came together perfectly.

I’m pretty sure this was the most excited group of friends I’ve ever seen.

I love that M+R asked to take their engagement photos on M’s family farm. Not only does it give incredible prairie views, it will also host their wedding ceremony next year and I absolutely cannot wait.

I chose this photo from C+C’s wedding day at Carburn Park as it was one of the last photos we got from the day. I love that in this moment, it feels like they’ve forgotten I’m even there (plus those tones in the water - obsessed).

To celebrate their 3rd anniversary, I met C+J at a park near their home that they frequently visit and just like I did 3 years, documented them as they exchanged their vows to love and honour one another. With the sun setting in the background, it felt like we had the park to ourselves and it was incredibly beautiful to watch.

100% my favourite photo from this sloth session - I mean newborn session with sweet Baby Beau.

This photo makes me smile because despite being an extended family session, I think these two were most excited to get a photo with their grand-puppies.

The sun had been behind the clouds our *entire* session. With only 10 minutes to go before sunset, we noticed the sun was trying its hardest to come out, so we decided to scramble up from the bottom of this hill to the top to try and catch it before it set. Despite an embarrassing amount of huffing and puffing, I’d do it all over again to get a photo like this.

This was the year I learned you’ll get better results from a game of Red Light, Green Light than you’ll get from “say cheese on 3”.

If you’ve been around here a while, you’ll know I’m a sucker for foreheads together. Throw a sweet baby angel face in the middle and I’m done.

This groom looked at his bride like this our entire session and I just couldn’t get enough.

I’ve been photographing this sweet family before I even went to photography school and each shoot is better than the last. With the addition of little Dublin, I’m thinking next year might be tough to beat.

My last shoot of the year! Not only have I gotten to photograph these two a number of times over the years, I’ve also mentored Amy as a photographer and have loved getting to watch her grow and develop her craft. They are expecting their first baby in the spring and I am absolutely cannot WAIT to meet their baby boy.
Their love story could be a movie - boy meets girl, girl is dating another boy, so boy decides to patiently waits because according to him: “I knew I had met the love of my life when she smiled at me". So when the time finally comes when girl is no longer in a relationship, boy makes a point to check in on girl. Girl starts to look forward to those check ins, and the rest, as you say, is history (seriously, somebody bring this movie to Netflix please).